Oninaki | 4K & 60 FPS Gameplay on PC with 2080 Ti
Oninaki | Frame Rate & Handheld MODE on Switch
Let’s analyze the technical compart of the Handheld version of Oninaki for Nintendo Switch. Docked Mode: Switch vs PS4
Oninaki | Switch VS PS4 | Frame Rate TEST Comparison
Here is a graphical comparison with frame rate of the Oninaki game for Nintendo Switch and PS4. First 20 minutes on Nintendo Switch: Moving between the Living World and the realm of the dead known as…
Oninaki | First 20 Minutes on Nintendo Switch
Slay Monsters, Save Souls, and Wield Their Power. This is the story of one Watcher. Moving between the Living World and the realm of the dead known as the Beyond, Kagachi must save the souls of the Lost,…