A new patch 1.5 of the Wolfenstein: Youngblood game has been released for Nintendo Switch. I don’t know exactly what improvements they have brought, certainly the performances have remained the same.
Wolfenstein Youngblood | Docked VS Handheld | Frame Rate TEST on Nintendo Switch
Here is an analysis of the graphic comparison and frame rate (Docked and Handheld) of the game Wolfenstein Youngblood (patch 1.1) for Nintendo Switch
Wolfenstein Youngblood | Co-op Online Gameplay on Switch
Let’s take a look at the online co-op mode of the game! (With Patch 1.1)
Wolfenstein Youngblood | Patch 1.1 on Switch | Graphics and performance improvements
Is out the Patch version 1.1 (day one Patch) with a weight of 2.1 GB, which improves the performance of the title. Here is an analysis of the Docked mode. The new 1.1 patch, in addition to improving…
Wolfenstein Youngblood | 10 Minutes in Handheld MODE on Switch
Wolfenstein Youngblood, exclusive Gameplay of Handheld Mode (direct feed) on Nintendo Switch!
Wolfenstein Youngblood | Switch VS PC LOW | Graphics Comparison
Here is a graphical comparison of the Wolfenstein Youngblood game for Nintendo Switch (Docked) VS PC (LOW DETAILS 720p)
Wolfenstein Youngblood | Frame Rate TEST on Nintendo Switch
Let’s analyze the technical compart of the Docked MODE of Wolfenstein Youngblood for Nintendo Switch. First 20 Minutes on Switch
Wolfenstein Youngblood | First 20 Minutes on Nintendo Switch
Wolfenstein: Youngblood is the first modern co-op Wolfenstein adventure. Nineteen years after the events of Wolfenstein II, BJ Blazckowicz has disappeared after a mission into Nazi-occupied Paris. Now, after years of training from their battle-hardened father, BJ’s twin daughters, Jess…
Wolfenstein Youngblood | First 15 Minutes | 4K & 60 FPS on PC
Wolfenstein Youngblood, first 15 Minutes at 4K & 60 FPS on PC with 2080 Ti.